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Introducing The SAS Bowl, your friendly SAS Community trivia game
Community Manager

SAS Bowl XXXIII, SAS Explore 2023Are you a trivia nut? Whether you enjoy a game of Trivial Pursuit with the family, spout out random facts at the dinner table or are a regular at the local watering hole on Trivia Night, here’s your chance to combine your hobby with SAS.

Test your SAS (and other worldly) knowledge in a SAS Community Trivia event: The SAS Bowl! The live competition features a wide variety of questions, not just SAS related. All skill levels are welcome. To participate, all you have to do is show up, provide a game username (aka your community username), and compete for fabulous SAS Community swag.  We’ll provide specific details as game day approaches.


When and how often?

Mark your calendars. The inaugural was held in August and we're planning on a monthly cadence. A detailed schedule appears at the end of this article. The image below offers a glimpse at the experience.




The game

Comprised of twenty multiple-choice questions and hosted live by an emcee, the game includes inquiries on SAS, analytics, relevant tech trends, math, and general trivia. Each session centers on a specific SAS topic based on a blog post, community article, video tutorial, etc. Links to the resource(s) will be released prior to the game. Read/watch/follow the topic before the event and have an advantage in the game. You get credit for correct answers and on how quickly you submit your response.


At game time, just visit the URL, provide your community username to display, and you’re logged into the game. Using your SAS Communities profile handle will allow us to identify you and can arrange delivery of your swag when you finish in the top three. Didn’t make the top three? Don’t worry, all participants earn a special community badge.


Games run around 30 minutes. Here’s what to expect:

  • A brief welcome
  • Game rules
  • 3-5-minute commentary on the SAS topic of the day
  • Trivia
  • Wrap up

We’ll follow up each game with a Community post with game highlights, winners, and a recording of the session. We’re very excited to bring this event to the Community and hope to see you there! Game on.


Registration for the game is handled through form links in the calendar events. Following the links it the section below will take you to game details.


What's in a name?

Questions have surfaced on the naming origins of the event. Is it a play on the American football championship, a version of the Saturday morning Quiz Bowl airing on local TV stations throughout the US, or a rebirth of a SAS Users group event from times past? Who knows? Debate among yourselves‌‌. Maybe we just thought the name was catchy?


Schedule of SAS Bowl events


Next up

 SAS Bowl XXXVII, SAS Customer Recognition Awards - Wednesday, January 10, 2023, at 10 AM ET - Take action and nominate a great SAS user story


Past events


* The Engage platform utilizes YouTube studio. If you have restricted YouTube access, you can still participate in the event, but you will not have audio or video capabilities.

Meteorite | Level 14

Exciting news to hear!!!I look forward to joining in the fun.


It will be a midnight SAS Bowl treat here in Australia! 😉




Obsidian | Level 7

Hi, you mean 10am EDT, right, not EST? Just checking.... I may not be at my best at 7am here in CA, but at least it won't be midnight! Any questions I get wrong, I'll just blame on the time. 🙂

Community Manager

@SJSlaughter, good catch. I'm certainly not ready for fall/winter. Yes, it should read EDT. I've made the update.

Obsidian | Level 7

The SAS Bowl sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to it!

Calcite | Level 5

Do we have to register anywhere or will the link to the competition be posted in this thread?

Meteorite | Level 14

Hi @hsawhneyy,


@joeFurbee posted an article yesterday with the details for SAS Bowl I on August 25th. Have a look at There doesn’t seem to be a pre-registration requirement and there is a link above or in the details page for where you go to play on August 25th. 


Kind Regards,


Community Manager

Hi @hsawhneyy,

@MichelleHomes is correct. No pre-registration is required for the event. Follow the links provided the schedule section of the article and you will be taken directly to the game. I have added this bit of information to the article for clarification.


Thanks for your interest and inquiry,


Barite | Level 11

Hi @joeFurbee 


There are a lot of events in my life so I normally control my schedule by my outlook. Regarding this activity, I am very keen on. So I think "topic subscription" maybe enough for me to follow this post or I must have an outlook reminder for reminding me about this exciting event around that date?


Warm regards. 

Community Manager

Hi @Phil_NZ, there's a way to add the next edition of SAS Bowl to your Outlook calendar. After opening the post on the March 16 game, scroll to the end. Under the "SAS Bowl and event" header, there's a link to make it an Outlook appointment. Look forward to you joining us!

Meteorite | Level 14

Hi @joeFurbee,


Are there plans for a SAS Bowl XI event this month? 🤞




Community Manager

Hi @MichelleHomes,

I just scheduled SAS Bowl XI, Model Ops for Tuesday, August 10, at 3 PM ET. Not sure what time that will be down-under, but I'm guessing it's not at midnight. 'See' you there.

Meteorite | Level 14

Yay!!! Thanks @joeFurbee! I saw the calendar event. It will be 5am for me in Brisbane which is when I’m awake anyway so that works out wonderfully. 🙌


So “see” you there! 

Fluorite | Level 6

I just missed the last one XVII - doh! 😅


Gotta remember the next one - see you there !