Recently in the SAS Community Library: SAS' @ADAMPOLLACCHI reveals the importance of making accurate, timely data driven decisions to be competitive in the age of AI--and, to that end, how to build, test and deploy these capabilities in a user friendly and transparent manner.
I'm running a Chi Sq test with 2 binary variables. The data are large (>1 million rows) and not balanced (rare event). The test is statistically significant (p < .0001) and the Cramer's V is very small (.006). I took this to mean there is no relationship and the p value is due to such a large sample size/power. However, the odds ratio is 4.4. I'm trying to understand how one effect size (Cramer's V) can be so unlike another (Odds Ratio)? Is the Cramer's V sensitive to data imbalance? Is the OR preferred in this case?
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Hi expert I'm trying to model a binary outcome event (1=opportunity generated, 0=opportunity missing), based on a set of covariate, one of which is categorical and binary (presence or not of a marketing interaction) Output provided below I'm getting for the categorical covariate estimate="0". I remember I have read somewhere that whenever a variable can be represented as linear outcome of other covariates it will not be represented with a coefficient. Then the question is how to check if that covariate is significant? Bests
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I’m a student currently learning to use SAS for my studies. I’m interested in accessing the basic functions of SAS on my local machine, and if possible, I’d like to know if there are any free options available for students.
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In the folder, there are 2 files: a1.csv and a2.csv The part of the code is: infile "/doc/a*.csv"; It is reading both files. I want only the latest one.
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