SAS has a longstanding partnership with UTS which centres around an on-campus Innovation Lab, featuring an industrial-standard, state-of-the-art edge-to-enterprise AI and IoT streaming data processing research platform.
The Lab offers the opportunity to tackle real-world use cases across areas including healthcare, manufacturing and agribusiness. This technology combines with AI and machine learning models to analyse and process real-time data.
What is the Innovation Lab solving?
The SAS x UTS Innovation Lab is tackling a number of real-world use cases such as:
Leveraging IoT, real-time distributed data and analytics to enable distributed energy resources (DER) trading to enable reduced costs, enhanced profitability and provide a pathway to strengthen national energy security
Every year, three million seniors are treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries. An AIoT device called DeepCare uses radar streaming data to detect seniors’ activities including falling.
Using an AI-enabled IoT platform to advance smart lighting technologies
What’s behind initiatives like the SAS x UTS Innovation Lab?
Organisations in Australia are enthusiastically adopting technologies such as AI and capabilities like Generative AI (GenAI), with a recent SAS study finding Australia among the most advanced markets when it comes to maturity and implementation of GenAI technologies.
UTS are front and centre in helping prepare the next generation of data and AI professionals, working with SAS to upskill graduates and create a pathway to connect students with organisations across Australia that have a need for AI skills. A recent study found that 75 percent of Australian organisations are actively searching for candidates with AI skills, underlining the importance of the Innovation Lab partnership.
So how can you get involved?
Want to know more about the UTS & SAS Innovation Lab? Looking to establish a talent partnership with UTS & SAS?
Contact UTS: Ayesha Ubaid (Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute),
Contact SAS: Ian Edwards (Global Academic Program),
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I want to run a code that calculate Kramer correlation matrix between categorical variables.
I have a question please about improving the code.
My code check correlation between any pair of variables
In my example there are 4 variables X Y Z R so it calculate correlation between:
So it calculate 16 correlations
However, correlation of X,Y is same as correlation of Y,X (and so on)
How can we improve the code that it will calculate the correlation matrix quicker?
Another question-
I have a warning message -
WARNING: 31% of the cells have expected counts less than 5, for the table of X by _X Chi-Square may not be a valid test.
What is the way to solve it?
/****categorical Variables list****/
%let list1var=X Y Z R;
%let list2var=&list1var.;
/**Number of varaibles***/
%let n =%sysfunc(countw(&list1var));
%put n=&n;
%macro CRAMV;
%do i = 1 %to &n.;
%let var1=%scan(&list1var.,&i.,+);
%do j = 1 %to &n.;
%let var2=%scan(&list2var.,&j.,+);
ods select none;
PROC FREQ DATA=Raw_Data_tbl;
DATA want;
SET ttt;
VAR1 ="&VAR1";
VAR2 ="&VAR2";
PROC APPEND DATA=want BASE=Kramer_All force;quit;
/***Create matrix***/
ods select all;
proc tabulate data=Kramer_All;
class VAR1 VAR2;
var _CRAMV_;
table (VAR1=''),VAR2=''*(_CRAMV_=''*min=''*f=6.5 );
but it also calculate correlation between:
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SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure includes extensive online documentation, a learning portal with self-paced training courses, and access to this active SAS Community to answer your questions.
If you have questions or support needs as you use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure, we invite you to post your question to this support forum. SAS experts are ready to reply with guidance to help you to learn and to help you to troubleshoot any challenges you encounter.
Essential resources
SAS documentation for SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
Community support forum for SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
Learning Center for SAS Viya for Microsoft Azure (linked from within the product, requires activation)
License terms (including policies for basic support)
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Hi, A warning indicating ‘Your connection to this site is not secure’ is received when accessing the SAS Viya URL after a successful deployment without authorized IP ranges (Version: Stable 2024.08 Release: 20240925.1727250373280). Please find the error information attached below. Because I did not set authorized IP ranges during the deployment, SAS Viya configured TLS for data in motion security to use a certificate generated by an open certificate authority - Let’s Encrypt, according to the FAQ (,. How can I confirm that the certificate generated by Let’s Encrypt is functioning properly? If the unsecured connection warning persists, please provide guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance. The error info received from Microsoft Edge when accessing the URL is attached below. Your connection isn't private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (redacted).(redacted) (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more about this warning
Issuer: sas-viya-root-ca-certificate
Expires on: Dec 24, 2024
Current date: Sep 25, 2024
PEM encoded chain:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
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Hi, I successfully deployed a SAS Viya (October version: Version: Stable 2024.09 Release: 20241004.1728056818357) with authorized IP ranges, including my own IPv4. I can log into the SAS Viya as the administrator to add new users and make them available. However, I am unable to connect to the Jumpbox of the SAS Viya via PuTTY using the matched private RSA key. I am not even able to enter “jumpuser” before receiving a “Connection timed out” error. The same error was also encountered with the September version when a SAS Viya with IP ranges was deployed. (I am familiar with this process, having deployed SAS Viya without authorized IP ranges several times and successfully connected to the Jumpbox via PuTTY to create home directories for new users) In addition, I tested my connection to the Jumpbox directly in Azure via port 22, and it showed as accessible. Please advise on how to resolve this issue. Thank you.
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