@sandeep_reddy ,
A quick check of the SAS.com website and it looks to me like ECM on 9.4m3 was released in around 2015, and was put on Limited Support about 2 years ago. Java 8 is supported for ECM or m3, and I was able to find a SAS note to that effect. SAS Usage Note 56203 It states that Java 8 is not supported until 9.4m6. That likely means that your ECM instance on 9.4m3 was not written to work with Java 8, nor tested against it. I suspect that is why it is giving you trouble. Additionally, I would say that if you change your SOLR and encounter issues it could mean your ECM is unsupported. Most people use ECM for fraud case management of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) use cases. I do know that if you are using AML I believe you could potentially upgrade to the AML 7.1 version. Is it possible you could upgrade? AML 7.1 Installation Note 66795 If using that version of SOLR is a priority then an upgrade is the only supported option I can think of for you at this time. If it is not an AML use case, you might consider looking at SAS Visual Investigator on Viya as many fraud case management customers have moved to that software. I'm also certain tech support can guide you to the correct answer as well. 😉 Good Luck!
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