I disagree. At the end of SGF, I am heading home to a full inbox and the last thing I need is more email added to the pile. We are innundated with requests for feedback and surveys. Not just by SAS ,but from everywhere. It's ridiculous. At this point, the only thing I feel when I get another request is annoyed.
I think there is a time limit when it comes to obtaining meaningful feedback. One way may be that the speaker needs to connect to his or her audience enough to ask that they fill out the feedback on the app before they leave the room. But, that's when competition kicks in. At that point, I'd be thinking (as an attendee) that I've got 10 minutes to get in and out of the ladies room, grab a coffee or water and make it over to my next presentation, let alone try to talk to some people. So in order to get feedback, it's got to be easy for the attendee. Not just easy, but super-easy and super-quick. I just opened my 2016 SGF app. First thing I noticed is that none of the icons in the app is for Feedback. Sure, it may be buried under Sessions or My Event, but that's not enough and it speaks volumes. Why should I as an attendee take my time to fill out "feedback:" when SAS didn't even provide an icon for it on the App?
Lori Goldman
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