SAS language is run in steps, DATA steps and PROC steps, which is helpful when debugging, because you can run one step at a time, and focus on the first step that generates an error.
Which step in your code is generating the error, is it this one (I'm just guessing, from your description):
proc logistic data=ps2q2 outmodel=model_out;
class cluster (ref='1'); /* Set reference cluster */
model cluster = age sex;
If so, please post the log you get from running that step, showing the code in the step, and all the error messages.
I noticed your earlier code reads a dataset econ324.ps2q2. That means there is a dataset named ps2q2, which exists in a SAS library named econ324.
So possibly the above code should be:
proc logistic data=econ324.ps2q2 outmodel=model_out;
class cluster (ref='1'); /* Set reference cluster */
model cluster = age sex;
Also, just glancing at your earlier code, I noticed you read in the dataset econ324.ps2q2 and create a new dataset named temp, which you use as input to PROC MEANS:
data temp;
set econ324.ps2q2;
proc means data=temp;
var ressext culture actext nightlife;
You don't need create the temp dataset, you can just code PROC MEANS like:
proc means data=econ324.ps2q2;
var ressext culture actext nightlife;
In my experience as a student (a long time ago : ) it's hard to learn the SAS language and statistics at the same time. I was lucky to be in a school that taught a SAS language class in parallel to the statistics classes. You might want to ask your instructor, teaching assistant, or other students about resources for learning the basics of the SAS language that will be needed to support your work in the class.
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