@LouGalway_sas Thanks for sharing these important considerations which are, from a european-based perspective especially relevant since accented letters (à la carte dishes, née Smith maiden name, piña colada cocktail recipe etc.) or diacritics are ubiquitous in non-english languages (German umlaut, French cedille, Spanish tildes, Romanian ă/î to name only a few: every european written language might use such modified latin letters , some very commonly).
SAS treats differently accented letters whether you run an ASCII/ISO encoding session or a UTF8 session. The following page explains it all : https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/nlsref/p1pca7vwjjwucin178l8qddjn0gi.htmTherefore migrating data sets from ASCII charsets (Latin1, Latin9, WLATIN1 ) in addition to " affect[ing] data migration in terms of table sizes, data truncation, and the retention of indexes", also directly affects plain SAS code : baseline syntax must be modified to take into account the presence of accented characters in CHAR variables, by removing accents altogether (if such alterations are acceptable) or replacing string functions with their k-counterparts.
This is very challenging indeed ! Perhaps, extending the native toolbox of SAS might help transitioning towards UTF8 : providing an extended attribute to store in the descriptor portion of the Data Set the binary flag 1/0 (1= at least one CHAR var. with multi-bytes length) , sparing k-functions altogether (generalizing VARCHAR type with V9 engine might help greatly in this regard), providing NLS procs to detect in bulk the need for so-called internationalization (proc WhereIsMyMultiBytesVar data= ...) etc.
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