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What's New in the 22.06 Release of CI360
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Republish Task and Segment Reminder

Modifications to a task or a segment are not automatically published. The item must be republished for the changes to become available. This behavior enables you to continue to save work that is in progress without affecting the published version. An item with changes that have not been published has an out-of-sync status.


When changes to a task or a segment are production-ready, the task or segment must be republished to synchronize the changes. To help you remember that a republish is needed, the Save process now prompts you. Here are the places where you can republish a task or a segment:


  • The Save button displays two options, when applicable: Save and Save and Republish.


  • The Close button, when applicable, prompts you to save, save and republish, discard your changes, or cancel.


Click Save and Republish to synchronize new changes with a published version.


(Available in SAS 360 Engage: Digital, SAS 360 Engage: Direct, and SAS 360 Engage: Email)


Select the Delimiter for Exports

With this release, you can select additional delimiters to separate information in your export files. In addition to the comma-separated values (CSV) delimiter, you can use semicolons, spaces, tabs, or custom delimiters.


The custom delimiter enables you to define up to five fields as delimiters in the export file. You cannot use special characters, including $, *, or tab.


When the file is exported, only the CSV file is created with a .csv extension as part of the file name. The export files that use other delimiters do not contain file extensions.


(Available in SAS 360 Engage: Direct)


Allow Display Conditions to Support Operators That Are Non-INT Types

You now have access to three new operators when defining display conditions in an email. This feature provides you with additional control over how email content is delivered.


These are the new operators:


  • Contains, which is represented by *= in the syntax for merge tags.
  • Starts with, which is represented by ^= in the syntax for merge tags.
  • Ends with, which is represented by $= in the syntax for merge tags.


The operators appear only for elements in the Layout Manager and for data items that use the String type.


Note: The operators do not apply to conditional merge tags, which can be defined in other areas of the Layout Manager (for example, the General Settings or the settings for a Text element) and fields for the header page (for example, the Subject field and the To field).


(Available in SAS 360 Engage: Email)


Restrictions on Deleting Planning Items, Commitments, and Invoices

With this release, SAS 360 Plan introduces restrictions on deleting planning items . You can no longer delete multiple planning items that have associated commitments or invoices, regardless of the state of the associated commitments or invoices.


Similarly, you can no longer delete multiple commitments that have directly associated invoices, regardless of the state of the commitment or the associated invoices. You cannot delete any commitment that has a Closed state.


Finally, you can no longer delete any invoices that have a Reconciled state. When commitments and invoices are not in their final state (Closed or Reconciled), they can be deleted individually, which then enables the parent planning item to be deleted.


For example, you might have a planning item called “Sample Campaign” with an associated commitment that has a New state. If you attempt to delete the planning item, a message is displayed, which indicates that the action cannot be completed because commitments or invoices are associated with “Sample Campaign”. To delete the item, navigate to the Financials tab of “Sample Campaign”, select the Expenses page, expand the Commitments section, and then delete the associated commitment. Subsequently, you can delete the item “Sample Campaign”.


(Available in SAS 360 Plan)


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