Thank you Astounding. I am no knowledge of macro so I do not know. The article says that this is the code used to generate the data used in this article. If you could just give me how the data is arranged with the variable name used in the code above that would be very very helpful to follow along the article and to do same analysis using my data. So based on the code below, it looks like we just need three variables, 1. cotype, 2. emps and 3. calls is this as simple as : cotype emps calls a 50 120 b 200 130 ... and so one? proc univariate data=CallsPerHour normal; by CoType emps; var calls; histogram calls /midpoints =1 to 15 by 1; run; run; %mend generate; %generate(EmpCount=%str(1000, 3000, 5000,10000 ) ,AvgCoLambda=8 ,UserGrpLambda=5 ,MaxRepeats=50 );
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