Hi, These are my own notes on applying licenses for Data Management Studio For DataFlux and Data Management Studio, need to update licenses on each pc that it's installed on, along with updating the server For PC, place license for each server (e.g. SAS____.txt) into a location on the users C drive. Click Start, go to DataFlux, License Manager and run as administrator. Make sure Primary License Method is SAS, and navigate the license location to new license file, and click ok. Check if licenses are updated by going to tools/validate licenses. Should have no licenses appear under expiring licenses For server, go to SAS Compute Server and go to E:\SAS\Software\DataFluxDataManagementServer\2.7\etc Go to licenses folder, and add new license to location e.g. (SAS94____.txt) Go back to E:\SAS\Software\DataFluxDataManagementServer\2.7\etc Go to app.cfg. Make sure base/primary_license is set to SAS Copy new base/primary_license_loc line and add # before original one Set new base/primary_license_loc to be equal to location of new sas license file Restart server under Services/DataFlux Data Management Server
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