Hi @MChalut, one way is using the &SYSLPUT statement. This provides a way to pass macro variables from the local to remote session:
signon BrSasDev;
%syslput myparms=&sysparm;
rsubmit BrSasDev;
Then you would need to parse off the &myparms macro variable into smaller macro variables for each name/value pair. Here's one example:
signon BrSasDev;
%syslput myparms=&sysparm;
%put &myparms;
%let DIR=%scan(%bquote(&myparms),1,',');
%let DIR=%scan(&dir,2,'=');
%put &dir;
%let ENV=%scan(%bquote(&myparms),2,',');
%let ENV=%scan(&env,2,'=');
%put &env;
signoff noscript;
Here's the log output:
NOTE: Remote signon to BrSasDev complete.
33 %syslput myparms=&sysparm;
35 rsubmit;
NOTE: Remote submit to BrSasDev commencing.
1 %put &myparms;
DIR=Programs, ENV=DEV, APP=NaicsUpdate, P_01=D, P_02=\\fld6filer\BrsSystems\Workitems\TF17602\Testing\SAS\, P_03=BrSqlDev01, P_04=BrFrameDevelopment,
P_05=\\BrSasDev\ExternalData\Programs\Dev\In\NaicsUpdate\OneAutomationTest.txt, P_06=SRGD-DRSG, P_07=66
3 %let DIR=%scan(%bquote(&myparms),1,',');
4 %let DIR=%scan(&dir,2,'=');
5 %put &dir;
7 %let ENV=%scan(%bquote(&myparms),2,',');
8 %let ENV=%scan(&env,2,'=');
9 %put &env;
NOTE: Remote submit to BrSasDev complete.
36 signoff noscript;
NOTE: Remote signoff from BrSasDev commencing.
NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414
NOTE: The SAS System used:
real time 0.37 seconds
user cpu time 0.10 seconds
system cpu time 0.15 seconds
memory 9257.84k
OS Memory 9828.00k
Timestamp 04/03/2019 03:54:32 PM
Step Count 0 Switch Count 50
NOTE: Remote signoff from BrSasDev complete.
Hope this helps.
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