Problem: Unable to bring up the SAS Remote Services from services.msc on SAS server after Upgrade from 9.4M5 to 9.4 M7
Error Message:
Error: Windows could not start the service on local computer error 1067. The process terminated unexpectedly.
In the event view property logs, error with event id 7034 is seen but no error description. "There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs."
Background: our setup is a non-distributed setup. Adobe moved its Flash technology to end-of-life status so in Dec 2020, we upgraded from SAS 9.4M5 to M7 and all went well. On 01/11/2021, I rebuilt and redeployed some custom changes to web applications followed by bounce of services. All sas services came up except remote services.
Action Taken:
Here is a summary of how we diagnosed and resolved the issue of starting Remote Services in Windows' Services interface.
1. Unfortunately, the RemoteServices.log did not reveal any errors in the default logging configuration.
We first enabled debug on RemoteServices by updating the <SASConfig>\Lev1\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\log4j.xml to enable debug for the root logger and restart RemoteServices. Unfortunately, the serviced before logger were available. This told me that the issue was caused by the "Windows service" starting before the application loaded.
Find the following sections and change the level to debug.
1a) <logger name=""> <level value="debug" /> </logger>
1b) <root> <priority value ="debug" /> <appender-ref ref="SAS_CONSOLE" /> <appender-ref ref="SAS_FILE" /> </root>
2. Therefore we needed to enable debug logging for the service wrapper.
We updated<SASConfig>\Lev1\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\wrapper.conf to enable debug logging. This revealed that the service could not load the JAR files needed. We reviewed the picklist and learned that the picklist was not updated to the current version of JARs. The pickllist still referenced m4 version of the jars.
The cause of the error is:
Caused by: For one or more plug-in requests, no matching Plug-ins were found in repository:commons_codec [,], commons_beanutilsAS_20121211183158], commons_beanutils [,], commons_io0_SAS_20121211183233], org.springframework.expression [,],op [,], httpclient [,],141104183835], struts [,], org.springframework.core1104183835,], struts [,], org.springframework.coreringframework.web.struts [,], org.springframework.context.support842,], [,],], org.springframework.web [,], org.springframework.oxmidator [,], org.springframework.web11.0_SAS_20141104183842], [,],58,], org.springframework.jdbc [,],[,], commons_fileupload[,], org.springframework.web20151116172123], org.springframework.oxm [,], org.springframework.web.servletAS_20141104183815,], xstream [,],], groovy [,], org.springframework.context[,], org.springframework.beans [,], xstream [,], org.springframework.transaction [,], beanshell [2.0.0.beta4_SAS_20121211183236,2.0.0.beta4_SAS_20121211183236]
3. Remote Services builds a new picklist when it starts based on several base picklist files. We verified that the base picklists were in place and updated. The base picklists are located in<SASHome>\SASFoundationServices\9.4\Configurable\apps\RemoteServices\Picklists
4. At this point, everything was in place for the picklist to be updated but it seems you have to run the command line version of the startup to process the picklist part and not the Windows servcies. So we tried to start the service from the command promptand received "access denied" errors.
5. We started the command prompt as administrator.Service started and new picklist was created a placed in <SASConfig>\Lev1\Web\Applications\RemoteServices 6. Finally, returned logging levels to original settings in <SASConfig>\Lev1\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\log4j.xml and<SASConfig>\Lev1\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\wrapper.conf.
I have worked with this same SAS support rep in the past and always experienced possibly the very best customer service of all time.
Hope this will help someone who come across similar issue.
Good luck!
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