As a second time visitor to SAS GF, I would like to plan my visit to SAS GF-2019 a little better. My first GF attendance was in 2018 and I was both over-whelmed and filled with awe about everything that is going on. In order to try and maximize my learning opportunities, I would like to request the veterans to kindly shed some light on how to:
1. Best opportunities to learn SAS programming
- Are there targeted sessions for beginners that someone like me can attend and not get overwhelmed ?
2. I am aware there are classes on Sunday morning, but due to a few personal constraints, I can't make it to these classes. Are there any alternative classes during the Global Forum ?
Any advice is appreciated.
Hola UdayGuntapalli,
Here are my suggestions.
There will soon be example sample agendas for various topic areas/levels of expertise/etc posted on the website. I am not quite sure when they will be available, but it should be soon. You can also search within the Agenda Builder (online or on the app when it is available) for novice presentations.
There are always hands-on workshops being given throughout the conference that get your hands on the keyboard and help you learn by doing. As well, if there was a particular topic that you were interested in taking on Sunday morning or afternoon, I would search for those same topics in the Agenda Builder once it is available.
The session catalog is currently available ( and you can begin building your personal agenda and perusing the presentations that are offered.
I know it can be overwhelming, but if you plan early it is helpful. I would also suggest putting more than one presentation on your schedule at a particular time. That way, if you are in the presentation and decide it isn't for you, you know where to go next.
Hope all this information helps!
Is there a list of hands-on workshops at SAS somewhere?
Yes. Go to Choose Learn-->Sessions from the menu bar. Click on View Session Catalog. Click on the word Sessions (next to Welcome). That will bring up the search criteria. In the Filter sessions by, click on the drop down arrow and choose Type. In the SELECT box to the right, click the drop down arrow and choose Hands-on-Workshops. This will give you the list, but remember to export it because it will not save.
I hope that helps!
While not related to onsite at SAS Global Forum, wanted to make sure you are aware of SAS free training online:
Here is what i've done. Yes - Yes - go ahead and just mock me. Its ok.
I've already downloaded the "All sessions Excel" and pushed it thru SAS.
I review the download here and there and repeat, revising what I want to see or what i've concluded I can wait to read.
I code this in SAS because i want to repeat. Since there could be updates to schedule - I want to be sure to just refresh with a new download. I get it - totally get it that this is overkill. But watch at all the reasons I do this first before bashing my addiction as a SASAHOLIC.
What I've done is:
1. Put a list of "topics_to_see" - values with the presentation numbers i will keep in a where statement.
2. Put a list of "topics_im_not_interested"- that holds values for topics i've determined are low or not part of what i want to see.
3. Put a list of "topic_key_words_to_scan" - in that i put things like: "viya", "cms", "vrdc", "medicaid", "health", "someother words" - and i revise and add to that list as i go.
4. Put a list of "top_authors_to_catch" - same idea - author names i want to keep track of.
5. I clean up Date/Time - what i want to get from when im done is the real date/time by "MM_DD" and hour with minute precision.
I push the data thru and keep only the columns i need for my "schedule".
What I'm looking for are just the topics that may be of interest, by date, hour.
I then have a table of topics with:
Paper_#, My_Priority
What i'm doing is always see if i have one to three different topics to select from - because maybe my preferred topic isnt available.
So i'll go on to my next one. Often - the next topic starts at the very next minute - but i'll be too far.
Having them grouped by: Hour/Min and My_Priority - allows me choices and flexibility.
I also have a "Invite_Speaker" flag. What I do there is i track presentations or topics I cant make - for maybe reaching out and inviting them to speak at my local SAS User Group. Which is the group. We hold webinars.
So many times I want to reach out to a speaker during SGF, introduce myself and invite them to present to our group.
This helps me do that since i know i'll be in the area. Plus if i dont catch them at SGF i have a list of which to use to then find the paper and send them an email.
I know this seems - complex - but its easier than running around all over the place during the conference and when things start to shift and morph.
Once the conference app opens up - that helps too.
SGF19 is gonna be awesome what a great problem to have (imho)
So yeah this kind of SAS Geek Effort is AOK!
Zeke Torres
Catch me at SGF19! I have two topics!
Cook Great SAS!
Very nice @zekeT_sasaholic!
I expect to see you at session 3752: Create True Load Sharing Facility Batch Job Submission Capability on SAS® Enterprise Guide® in a SAS® Grid - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) Virtual Data Research Center (VRDC) is a large multi-user SAS® Grid environment in which most of the users are limited to SAS® Enterprise Guide® with no command-line interface. Load Sharing Facility (LSF) is a powerful true batch tool that enables a user to launch dozens of SAS® jobs and then log off of the environment, but only from the command-line interface. It is possible to make LSF batch available to users with access to only SAS Enterprise Guide with adequate security by using custom macros, script modifications, and SAS invocation options tied to Linux and UNIX group membership. This presentation describes customizing the LSF batch environment, security issues, and connecting SAS Enterprise Guide to the custom LSF environment.
Oh Heck Yeah!
That sounds Kick SAS!
I'll be there!
Yes, but...
Now aren't you going to build this all into a stored process with a web front end, so that ALL OF US can take advantage of your hard work?!? And use VIYA to create a "recommendation engine" so that I don't even have to think about my preferences, it can figure out what I want to see from my history on SAS Communities.
Where's your imagination???
All joking aside,
Way to Go! Keep on cooking!!!
I do wish i had time and resources.
Tell you what - let me get the code out here to everyone.
If we are going to go down the road of what is "ideal"...
I'd love an option to download the data NOT IN EXCEL - but SAS DATA. I can never really understand why data from can come in an option for "sas transport" data. But meh.
Anyway - my process is very much like this RV down here. Just scrapped together.
Lots of duct tape and holes.
I'm all for finding a slick way to have it in Viya. But alas the realities of time/space/boss kick in.
As it stands i do spend about 5 mins pushing the xlsx thru a macro or two or some "NOT SAS" type of data prep.
The code is just slop i thru together. Nothing special. But happy to see how to improve.
Z - I'd love to see the code. Thank you for offering to share.
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