Congratulations on completing the coursework for the SADS Data Curation Professional. You can take the exam from the comfort of your own home. The courses should give you a good foundation but we also recommend that you do have some experience with the software because the questions are written at the application level. I cannot speak specifically about obtaining a lab environment where you could do some practice. I will ask someone in Global Education about that and post back to here when I find out something regarding that. I can tell you that you should visit this page to learn everything you need to know about the exam. In particular you should pay attention to the Exam Content outline. Make sure you download it and use it as your study guide.
Link to the Data Curation Exam Page: https://www.sas.com/en_us/certification/credentials/data-management/data-curation.html
Link to the information about taking an exam from home via ONVUE: https://home.pearsonvue.com/sas/onvue
Watch the video about taking the exam from your home that is posted on this page.
I hope this helps some and I will try and get an answer for you about obtaining a lab environment where you can practice with the software.
Kindest regards, Becky