For using SAS/Access to Teradata on WIN 9.4 M2 you need to have this licensed first. I am assuming you have this as part of your SAS order. You also need the below client libraries installed on your SAS compute server in order to make connectivity. Since you are already on version greater than below, its taken care of.
DBMS Products Required:
• Teradata Database version 13.10 or later
• Teradata CLIv2 client libraries, TTU 13.10 or later for Windows (64-bit libraries)
Here is the system requirements document that you can refer to. Section: SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata
Once you have the pre-requirements in place, trying to make a connection from the Teradata client to see if the connectivity is established successfully outside of SAS.
If its successful try to connect it via SAS libname using any client like SAS Studio or EG.
Refer to this document for the libname options and other features that the access engine offers.