Hello @japsas100,
indeed, as @AnandVyas mentioned, we need to focus on "SAS Web Server is NOT up".
For now, you can stop the middle tier services with ./sas.server.mid stop.
I would recommend also to archive and delete the logs under Web/WebServer/logs, then you can start the web server/httpd (only) with Web/WebServer/bin/httpdctl start.
Once you do this, try http/s://yourserver.com[:port] (without /SASVisualAnalytics) and check if there is any error. You could also check Web/WebServer/logs/error_xxxxxxx.log. This should give you more details which most of them can be follwed up with Google search (don't forget, this is a normal httpd service), or SAS Technical Support.
FYI: the errors on the httpd service normally come from problems on the network or a misconfiguration on conf/httpd.conf, sas.conf or conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf.
After each iteration of start - fix/change - stop, I recommend you, for readibility, to archive (important) and delete the logs.
And when you are finished, you can start the middle tier services with ./sas.server.mid start, or just restart all the sas services with ./sas.servers restart