Hi Team,
We are using SAS AML 7.1 in our organization and i am new to this product. Need an expert help on the below query.
We are looking for some audit events in a real time manner or through a batch such as whenever a user/group/role added/deleted/modified in the SAS management console and login and logout time of the user.
Can you please let me know is there any way to get the information?
When we check in Metadata server logs we are getting a basic information of login and logout events.
It should be on the compute server. Kindly note that you should take cold backups of your system if you are going to initialize the framework. There is no way to revert it back without cold backup.
Hi @kranthi214
SAS Environment manager has an add-on package "Service Architecture Framework" which has to be initialized in order to enable extra logging and capturing the metrics required. This will also enable few out-of-the-box reports based on the extended data captured.
You can find the steps in order to initialize this framework in the link below. The doc is ver. 9.4M3 however the steps would be similar for M5 as well.
Once you have this initialized you can find the default reports in the report center. Details here - https://documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=evug&docsetTarget=n1iilfckx4t7amn13erb3i5g98mp.htm&docsetVer...
This PDF is a good doc listing all the reports and a brief description. The ones you might be interested in is under the section Audit Reports (Log Forensic) - https://support.sas.com/rnd/emi/SASEnvMgr/EVSAF/Report_Center_Report_Listings.pdf
Dear @AnandVyas ,
Thanks a lot for your response.
Upon going through the document I could not able to find validate.sh script on our MetaData server as per the below document mentioned under Framework Validation Pre-Check section.
Also for SAS EVM do we require a special license?
We are having the below folder structure.
Under emi-client below scripts are listed.
It should be on the compute server. Kindly note that you should take cold backups of your system if you are going to initialize the framework. There is no way to revert it back without cold backup.
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