proc tabulate data = demog missing; class trt gender race; var age; table age = 'Age' *(n = 'n' * f = 8.mean = 'Mean' * f = 5.1 std = 'Standard Deviation' * f = 5.1 min = 'Min' * f = 3. Max = 'Max' * f = 3.) gender = 'Gender' * (n='n' * f = 3. colpctn = '%' * f = 4.1) race = 'Race' * (n = 'n' * f = 3. colpctn = '%' * f = 4.1), (trt = " ") (all = 'Overall'); format trt trt. race race. gender gender.; title1 'Table 5.1'; title2 'Demographics and Baseline Characteristics'; footnote1 "* Other includes Asian, Native American, and other" " races."; footnote2 "Created by %sysfunc(getoption(sysin)) on" " &sysdate9.."; run; In this code, what is the meaning of 'f'? Is it freq?
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