A SAS ODS Graphics text/scatter plot take on a couple of neat word search-themed architect and designer Xmas cards at dezeen. Happy Holidays, all!
* Fun With SAS ODS Graphics - O [Text & Scatter Plot] Xmas Tree
A take on a couple of holiday cards at dezeen.com/2022/12/23/christmas-cards-architects-designers-2022/;
data letters(keep=r c letter randnum); * Generate random A-Z letters to fill a 13x13 grid;
do r=1 to 13;
do c=1 to 13;
randnum=1+floor(rand("Uniform", 26));
data message(keep=x0 y0 xM yM textM); * Generate x/y points and letters for a "Happy Holidays!" message;
retain textM ' ';
msg=" HAPPYHOLIDAYS!"; * Holiday message, x/y offset points for where to display letters (leave space at top for star!);
msgXY="0,0 -1,-2 1,-2 -2,-4 0,-4 2,-4 -3,-6 -1,-6 1,-6 3,-6 -4,-8 -2,-8 0,-8 2,-8 4,-8";
x0=7; y0=11; * x/y origin of top of "Xmas tree";
do i=1 to length(msg); * Calc x/y locations of message letters;
textM=substr(msg,i,1); * Message letter;
xM=x0+scan(scan(msgXY,i,' '),1,', '); * x location of message letter (origin+offset);
yM=y0+scan(scan(msgXY,i,' '),2,', '); * y location of message letter (origin+offset);
proc sql; * Insert our message into the grid, set color to white for message letters, black for others;
create table lettersmessage as
select l.r, l.c, case when m.xM is null then 0 else 1 end as color, case when m.xM is not null then m.textM else l.letter end as letter, m.xM, m.yM, m.x0, m.y0
from letters l left join message m on l.r=m.yM and l.c=m.xM;
* Display the tree!;
ods graphics / reset=all width=6.5in height=6.5in imagefmt=svg noborder;
proc sgplot data=lettersmessage noborder nowall noautolegend pad=0 aspect=1;
styleattrs backcolor=cx008975; * Nice shade of green from card (hex RGB code obtained using Paintbrush eyedropper);
text x=c y=r text=letter / colorresponse=color textattrs=(size=16pt weight=bold) colormodel=(black white); * Display black & white letters;
scatter x=x0 y=y0 / markerattrs=(size=11pt color=white symbol=starfilled); * Put a star on top;
scatter x=xM y=yM / markerattrs=(symbol=circle size=26pt color=white); * Draw white circles around message letters and star;
xaxis display=none values=(0 to 14); yaxis display=none values=(0 to 14); * Suppress axes and set width/height bounds;
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