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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10



Here's a SAS ODS Graphics (GTL) take on those Turkey headband craft projects for kids. Happy Thanksgiving, all!


* Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Thanksgiving Turkey Crown
  Inspired by turkey headband craft for kids at;

data feathers;                                * Generate angles, x/y points for 7 feathers;
retain fxo 711.5 fyo 615;                     * Triangles originate at x=711.5, y=615; 
do aDeg=180 to 360 by 180/7;                  * aDeg is angle in degrees; 
  aRad=2*constant("pi")*(aDeg/360);           * aRad is angle in radians;
  fx=r*cos(aRad)+711.5;                       * Compute x,y coordinates;
  c+1;                                        * Assign 1 of 4 colors (will cycle thru them);
                                              * Generate polygon points for feathers (triangles);                     
data featherspolygons(keep=polyfid polyfx polyfy color);
set feathers;
retain pfx pfy;
if _n_>1 then do;
  polyfid+1; polyfx=pfx; polyfy=pfy; output; polyfx=fx; polyfy=fy; output; polyfx=711.5; polyfy=615; output; end;
pfx=fx; pfy=fy;
                                              * Generate points, lengths, slopes for ellipses to gently round ends of triangular feathers;                     
data feathersellipses(keep=ellipsefid ellipsefx ellipsefy ellipseslope major minor color);
set feathers;
retain pfx pfy;
if _n_>1 then do;
  ellipseslope=(fy-pfy)/(fx-pfx); ellipsefid+1; ellipsefx=(fx+pfx)/2; ellipsefy=(fy+pfy)/2; major=sqrt((fy-pfy)**2+(fx-pfx)**2)/2; minor=60; output; end;
pfx=fx; pfy=fy;

data polybeak;                                * Generate polygon points for beak (triangle);
polybid=1; polybx=641; polyby=660; output; polybx=782; output; polybx=711.5; polyby=750; output;

data polyheadband;                            * Generate polygon points for headband (rectangle);
px=711.5-591.5; py=600; output; px=711.5+591.5; output; py=810; output; px=711.5-591.5; output;

data turkeyparts;                             * Merge all the parts together;
set featherspolygons feathersellipses polybeak polyheadband;

proc template;                                * Use GTL to plot parts of the turkey (above polygons/ellipses + new parts specfied below);
define statgraph turkey;
begingraph / border=false backgroundcolor=silver datacolors=(cx704204 red orange yellow sienna red orange yellow sienna red); * Thanksgiving-themed colors;
layout overlayequated / border=false backgroundcolor=silver wallcolor=silver WALLDISPLAY=(FILL)
  xaxisopts=(display=none thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0) yaxisopts=(display=none reverse=true);                           * Reverse y-axis, since x/y points came from MS-Paintbrush (where y=0 is at top instead of bottom);
polygonplot x=px y=py id=id / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=brown);                                                     * Headband;
ellipseparm semimajor=591.5 semiminor=120 slope=0 xorigin=711.5 yorigin=600 / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=lightgrey); * Headband top/inside;
polygonplot x=polyfx y=polyfy id=polyfid / display=(fill) group=color;                                                    * Feathers; 
ellipseparm semimajor=352 semiminor=245 slope=0 xorigin=711.5 yorigin=615 / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=brown);       * Head;
ellipseparm semimajor=30 semiminor=30 slope=0 xorigin=558 yorigin=592 / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=black);           * Left eye;
ellipseparm semimajor=30 semiminor=30 slope=0 xorigin=865 yorigin=592 / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=black);           * Right eye;
ellipseparm semimajor=591.5 semiminor=120 slope=0 xorigin=711.5 yorigin=810 / display=(fill) fillattrs=(color=brown);     * Bottom of headband;
ellipseparm semimajor=40 semiminor=90 slope=0 xorigin=711.5 yorigin=790 / display=(fill)  fillattrs=(color=redorange);    * Turkey's 'snood';
polygonplot x=polybx y=polyby id=polybid / display=(fill outline) fillattrs=(color=yellow) outlineattrs=(color=redorange thickness=4pt); * Outlined beak;
ellipseparm semimajor=major semiminor=minor slope=ellipseslope xorigin=ellipsefx yorigin=ellipsefy / group=color display=(fill); * Rounded tips of feathers;
entryfootnote textattrs=(size=24pt weight=bold color=black) "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!";                                        * Greetings!;

proc sgrender data=turkeyparts template=turkey; * Generate chart!;




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