Hi, i change my "yum.conf", theese the next step i've been done with file changed: vim /etc/yum.conf--> keepcache=1 deploy-cleanup.yml site.yml --> failed: "msg": "Destination /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/sysconfig/sas-javaesntl/sas-java does not exist !", "rc": 257 sudo rpm -e $(rpm -qg SAS) --nopreun yum clean all --> Repository 'sas-vtxtan-125-x64_redhat_linux_6-yum': Error parsing config: Error parsing "baseurl = '/opt/sas/install/mirror/repos/shipped/vtxtan/125/vtxtan-125-x64_redhat_linux_6-yum'": URL must be http, ftp, file or https not "" yum install java* -->nothing to do ansible-playbook site.yml --> fatal: [deployTarget]: FAILED! => { "changed": false, "invocation": { "module_args": { "allow_downgrade": false, "autoremove": false, "bugfix": false, "conf_file": null, "disable_excludes": null, "disable_gpg_check": true, "disable_plugin": [], "disablerepo": [], "download_dir": null, "download_only": false, "enable_plugin": [], "enablerepo": [], "exclude": [], "install_repoquery": true, "install_weak_deps": true, "installroot": "/", "list": null, "lock_timeout": 30, "name": [ "sas-cleanutils" ], "releasever": null, "security": false, "skip_broken": false, "state": "latest", "update_cache": false, "update_only": false, "use_backend": "auto", "validate_certs": true } }, "msg": "No package matching 'sas-cleanutils' found available, installed or updated", "rc": 126, "results": [ "No package matching 'sas-cleanutils' found available, installed or updated"]} yum install -y sas* --> ok site.yml --> fatal: [deployTarget]: FAILED! => { ..... --> sas-cleanutils yum install -y sas-lifecycle --> No package sas-lifecycle available. Error: Nothing to do
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