The values shown in the Estimate column are estimated logit (log odds) values for the associated Education level. Logits can have any real number. Since your response variable (Guide levels) shows 3 values in the table, I assume it has 4 possible levels resulting in 3 cumulative logits being modeled. The cumulative logits in an ordinal multinomial model like yours with response levels 1, 2, and 3 are, by default, log(p1/(p2+p3)) and log((p1+p2)/p3). That is, they divide the ordered response levels in the two possible places. Similarly for your 4 level response with 3 possibly divisions. The first column in the table identifies the logit by one of the response levels appearing in the numerator.
But I am concerned that your response levels do not sound like they are in logically ascending or descending order as they must be in order for the results to have any meaning. You should examine the Response Profile table to verify and then rename your levels as needed to assure that they are logically ordered.
Since you used the ILINK option, your table should also have a Mean column which gives estimated cumulative probabilities (p1, p1+p2, p1+p2+p3) for each Education level which are usually more meaningful than the estimated logits in the Estimate column.
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