Hello I am working on the deployment/install on Python on SAS Viya4. I am following the procedure as prescribed in https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/Using-the-SAS-Configurator-for-Open-Source-to-Build-Python-and-R/tac-p/942916#M9545 . I see that python would be installed on PVS storage. In my past experience, I have compiled Python from sources on q RHEL workstation, and copied the same installation to multiple machines running the same version of OS. From the README.md $deploy/sas-bases/examples/sas-pyconfig, I see that the python install confirms to Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 and third party binaries need to compatible with this. This give me an idea that it should be possible to compile Python from source on an identical machine and copy to the pyconfig-pvs. Wondering if anybody has tried this? Would appreciate if the community can share thoughts.
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