Wondering if there are any downsides in moving from LTS to Stable Cadence (Other than support level)?
Any thing to look out for?
It depends what you mean by a downside.
I've highlighted the major difference - you need to upgrade at least every three months to maintain standard support versus every two years with LTS.
Thanks @SASKiwi .
From SAS Documentation backups cannot be restored across cadence.
The first thing I wanted to have an idea how other users navigated through this scenario.
Secondly, I am trying to find ways and means to create a backup that can be used across cadence. May be some undocumented feature or hack.
Thanks @gwootton
Now understand that backup is for use in case of reverting to the older version.
Does it apply to user content that is exported?
The plan we have is to upgrade form 2024.03 LTS to say 2024.11 stable.
What I understand is that the install is essentially a new install and all configurations (LDAP, SAML, Data Access etc.) have to done afresh.
I would appreciate if you can confirm / correct me please.
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