Thank you, Ballard. What I ended doing, after going to the millionth page of a Google search and finding this: I used this Legend statement: legend1 order=('Superdrug' 'Placebo') label = ('Treatment') frame; I also had to rename two variables, plotval1 and plotval2, to Superdrug and Placebo, respectively. Weird, but it seems okay. I couldn't get the circle plot symbol (when I used the variables that have that symbol associated, I three circles each), but my legend has the green solid line and blue dashed line to match the plot, and even has "Treatment" in it. I think it will be okay. The other problem that I might attack tomorrow is the spacing on the X axis. the values are 28, 91, 183, 274 and 365 (for VISITN, or visit day). I thought they would be spaced according to the value (ie, a smaller gap between 28 and 91 than between 91 and 183. But for some reason they are treated as discrete values and spaced evenly. I would prefer this: ---- 28--------- 91----------------------183 ---------------------- 274 ---------------------- 365 I got this: ---- 28---------------------- 91----------------------183 ---------------------- 274 ---------------------- 365
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