Occasionally syntax across PROCs can be slightly different, but generally the logic is similar. Especially the PROCS you are using in programming 1 and 2.
Summary statistics
PROC MEANS data= options;
Print rows of a table
PROC PRINT data= options;
Categorical data frequencies
PROC FREQ data= options;
Create new tables
DATA newtable... options;
Each PROC has a different purpose. So the statements within them can sometimes be different. Think of each PROC as a package in Python. A PROC can do a lot of things, similar to a package.
PROC MEANS, FREQ, PRINT, DATA Step, etc. -> Pandas and other statistical packages
PROC SGPLOT/SGSCATTER/SGPANEL, etc. -> Matplotlib, Seaborn, or other visualization packages
It's all about practice. You need to run through exercises, practice, really understand the fundamentals of the procedures. In the end you will most likely use the same common statements and options for what you do.. I've been using SAS for years, and I probably use 30% of the options in MEANS or FREQ. Many are statistical tests that I don't need or use. But many others do use those options. They are there IF you need them.
Above I posted a video that mentions you can use the doc in the exam to help you. You will not be asked for some obscure options or statements. Again, if you can do the practices and answer the questions in the courses you will be on the right track. Go through the course and practice. Just like any language It takes a lot of time, effort, practice and mistakes to learn.
Focus on learning. Then the certification will come.
- Peter
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