hello, so my data has 4 levels and each level have 10 observation, so i would like to do the reg procedure, but when i run the code it shows that the variable is not working, i don't know why it's happened, i mean i support using the one-way ANOVA model (the factor effects model of ANOVA model I ) and it s anyone can help me with this, so appreciate. DATA outdata; INPUT Substance $ obs1-obs10; DATALINES; 1 29 28 23 26 26 19 25 29 26 28 2 17 25 24 19 28 21 20 25 19 24 3 17 16 21 22 23 18 20 17 25 21 4 18 20 25 24 16 20 20 17 19 17 ; title "assignment1 data"; proc transpose data=outdata out=narrowdata(rename=(col1=value)) name=Dosageatdeath; by substance; RUN; proc print data=narrowdata; run; ods graphics on; proc reg data=outdata plots(modelLabel only)=ResidualByPredicted; model obs=Value; run;
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