@Tom Q: Can you convert your little example into a complete valid XML file so other can use it to test? Ans: Attached to the query ! Q: What happens if you replace the spaces with hexcodes for space character? Ans: The Hexcodes are necessary as the Mapper uses them to convert them to particular character in SAS. e.g "	" translates to a "tab", "&" translates to "ampersand". Q: Or are you saying you are just having issues with values like: Ans: The issue is with any kind of blank character which is leading or trailing the non-blank charterers either be it plane space or hexcode for new line line feed or tabs. Note: If you run the code, and copy paste the result to notepad++ you can see the result. PS: The tab, quotes, ampersands, new lines are represented in hex codes in XML. Spaces don't need hex codes. If we put general tab, new line, in the xml file they are converted to space from XML mapping to SAS.
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