I have a table with patientID, admit date and diagnosis code. If the code is null, we look back 2 days to see if there is a valid code within the last two days. If that's null too, we look forward two days, then 5 days back, 5 days forward, and finally 9 days back. We do this each time we encounter a null value for the diagnosis code. I have tried doing a proc sql self join and using lag functions to lag by 2,5, and 9 but it did not help as the dates are not consecutive. So, for a null code, the sequence is to check date-2, then date+2, date-5, date+5 and finally date-9 until a valid code is found. I am using SAS Eg 8.1 Any inputs are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
PatientID Admit_dt diag
101 20160201 0
101 20160210 190
101 20160215 0
101 20160217 29
101 20160330 23
101 20160405 32
101 20160410 0
101 20160510 12
101 20160510 0
PatientID Admit_dt diag diag_new
101 2016-02-01 0 0
101 2016-02-10 190 190
101 2016-02-15 0 29
101 2016-02-17 29 29
101 2016-03-30 23 23
101 2016-04-05 32 32
101 2016-04-10 0 32
101 2016-05-10 12 12
101 2016-05-10 0 12
You could create an array RANK_HIST analogous to the DIAG_HIST array.
But you would still have to change the logic of the loop. Instead of leaving the loop with the first non-zero DIAG_HIST you have to maintain another variable, say D_MIN, which is the value of D corresponding to the minimum RANK_HIST for non-zero DIAG_HIST.
D_MIN starts out as missing. As you go over each range (i.e. the offset D goes from start-of-range to end-of-range), whenever you hit a non-zero DIAG_HIST, then if D_MIN is missing, set it to D. But if D_MIN is not missing, compare the RANK_HIST for D to the same for D_MIN, and update D_MIN accordingly.
At the end of each range, if D_MIN is not missing, no more ranges are checked. And finally if D_MIN is not missing, assign a value to NEW_DIAG.
Something like this (totally untested):
new_diag =coalesce(diag_hist{date},diag);
array strt {3} _temporary_ (1,3,6);
array finish {3} _temporary_ (2,5,9);
if new_diag^=0 then do r=1 to 3 until (d_min^=.);
do sign=-1,1 until (d_min^=.);
do d = sign*strt{r} to sign*finish{r} by sign;
if diag_hist{date+d}^=0 then do;
if d_min=. then d_min=d; else
if rank_hist{date+d} < rank_hist{date+d_min} then d_min=d;
if d_min^=. then new_diag=diag_hist{date+d_min};
Note the first inner loop ("do sign=-1,1 …") provides a way to set up this sequence of 6 ranges:
First thing to clarify: are those dates real sas dates? If not: fix this first. Second thing to note: there is a huge difference between null and zero, in the data you have posted there are no null-values. Do you mean zero instead of null? What exactly do you mean by "date+2"? Using the date in the first row, do you want to look for with Admit_dt = 20160203 or do you want to look two observations ahead?
Apologies for the wrong terminology. The code is numeric, so if it's a 0 or missing value, then it is considered invalid. Those are dates that I read in as yymddn8. By date+2, I mean looking forward till two days. So, for the first row, since it's the beginning and there's nothing to look back, I start by looking forward till 2 days, i.e., 20160201 - 20160203 and look at claims between the two dates. If there are claims, and any of them have a valid code, I pick that and copy its code and other values (rank, SOI etc) to the first row. If there are no claims or claims with missing or 0 code, then I look for claims between 20160201 and 20160206(i.e., date+5) and repeat the same process.
Please note that I am not jumping backward and forward by the number of rows, rather by the number of days. So, if there are 10 rows between 20160201 and 20160203, then I look at all the 10 rows for my date+2 check. Hope this clarifies my question further. Thank you!
I have added conditions for only look forward, you can add the look backward conditions too.
data have;
input PatientID Admit_dt:yymmdd8. diag ;
format PatientID diag best12. Admit_dt yymmdd10.;
101 20160201 0
101 20160210 190
101 20160215 0
101 20160217 29
101 20160330 23
101 20160405 32
101 20160410 0
101 20160510 12
101 20160510 0
data test(drop=Admit_dt diag);
format Admit_dt1 yymmdd10.;
set have;
proc sql;
create table want as
select a.PatientID,a.id,Admit_dt,Admit_dt1,diag,diag1
from have a, test b
where a.PatientID=b.PatientID and diag1 ne 0
order by PatientID, id, Admit_dt1;
data want1(drop=Admit_dt1 diag1 id);
set want;
retain diag_new;
by PatientID id;
if first.id then diag_new=diag;
if first.id and diag ne 0 then output;
if diag_new=0 then do;
if Admit_dt1=Admit_dt and diag1 ne 0 then do;
else if Admit_dt1=Admit_dt+2 and diag1 ne 0 then do;
else if Admit_dt1=Admit_dt+5 and diag1 ne 0 then do;
else if Admit_dt1=Admit_dt+9 and diag1 ne 0 then do;
if last.id and diag_new = 0 then output;
Please let us know if this helped.
Thank you for your reply. Your code worked for a sample of my data, but when I run it for the whole table (around 5 million rows), it delves into producing a cartesian product. I am trying to troubleshoot and will update as soon as I can.
Usually looking forward and backward are incremented symmetrically in 1-day intervals, I.e. look at offsets d=-1,d=1, d=-2,d=2, etc. which is easy to embed inside a DO D=1 to 9 loop, using a sign change inside.
But you want this sequence:
d=-1,d=-2, d=1,d=2, d=-3,d=-4,d=-5, d=3,d=4,d=5 ...
so the loop definition has to be more detailed as here:
data have;
input PatientID Admit_dt :yymmdd8. diag;
format admit_dt date9.;
101 20160201 0
101 20160210 190
101 20160215 0
101 20160330 23
101 20160405 32
101 20160410 0
101 20160510 12
101 20160510 0
%let begdate=01jan2016;
%let enddate=31dec2016;
data want (drop=d);
set have (where=(diag^=0) in=in_diag)
have (in=in2);
by patientid;
array diag_hist {%sysevalf("&begdate"d):%sysevalf("&enddate"d)} _temporary_;
if first.patientid then call missing(of diag_hist{*});
if in_diag then diag_hist{admit_dt}=diag;
if in2;
if diag=0 then do d=0 ,-1,-2,1,2 ,-3,-4,-5,3,4,5 ,-6,-7,-8,-9,6,7,8,9;
if diag_hist{admit_dt+d}^=. then do;
if new_diag=. then new_diag=diag;
Edited additional note. I guess one could somehow set up the loop iteration values using macrovars - especially if you want to modify the date-search cutpoints, currently at {-2,2}, {-5,5}, and {-9,9}, but for now I think that goes beyond the proper scope of this topic.
Thank you for the explanation. I will admit that I am rusty with arrays, so I will adopt this logic for my data and update here.
You can replace the loop:
if ^DIAG then NEW_DIAG=coalesce(
for, maybe, better speed or better clarity.
One of the OP's data rows has DIAG=0 but has a duplicate date of another with DIAG^=0. I think you'll need to insert "diag_hist(admit_dt}" at the front of the coalesce arguments.
Hi @mkeintz ,
I adopted your code for my data and it fails for one patientID when tested on a sample. The diag is a character field so I have made changes accordingly. I am getting the 'Array subscript out of range' error message and trying to figure that out. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you!
data have;
set nonspec5;
where PatientID in ('4000052628862:40000526288622'
format clistart date9.;
keep PatientID clistart validDiag ;
%let begdate=01jan2012;
%let enddate=31dec2012;
data want (drop=d);
set have (where=(validDiag^=' ') in=in_diag)
have (in=in2);
by patientid;
array diag_hist {%sysevalf("&begdate"d):%sysevalf("&enddate"d)} $ _temporary_;
if first.patientid then call missing(of diag_hist{*});
if in_diag then diag_hist{clistart}=validDiag;
if in2;
if validDiag=' ' then do d=0,-2,2,-5,5,-9;
if diag_hist{clistart+d}^=' ' then do;
if new_diag=' ' then new_diag=validDiag;
Here's my log:
28 data want (drop=d);
29 set have (where=(validDiag^=' ') in=in_diag)
30 have (in=in2);
31 by patientid;
33 array diag_hist {%sysevalf("&begdate"d):%sysevalf("&enddate"d)} $ _temporary_;
35 if first.patientid then call missing(of diag_hist{*});
36 if in_diag then diag_hist{clistart}=validDiag;
38 if in2;
39 if validDiag=' ' then do d=0,-2,2,-5,5,-9;
40 if diag_hist{clistart+d}^=' ' then do;
41 new_diag=diag_hist{clistart+d};
42 leave;
43 end;
44 end;
45 if new_diag=' ' then new_diag=validDiag;
46 run;
ERROR: Array subscript out of range at line 40 column 8.
in_diag=0 in2=1 PatientID=4000322628869:40003226288692 CliStart=06JAN2012 validDiag= FIRST.PatientID=0 LAST.PatientID=0 d=-9
new_diag= _ERROR_=1 _N_=45
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: There were 14 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
WHERE validDiag not = ' ';
NOTE: There were 32 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
WARNING: The data set WORK.WANT may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 30 observations and 4 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.WANT was not replaced because this step was stopped.
Read the log, it's all there! 🙂
ERROR: Array subscript out of range at line 40 column 8.
Line 40 is:
40 if diag_hist{clistart+d}^=' ' then do;
The values are:
in_diag=0 in2=1 PatientID=4000322628869:40003226288692 CliStart=06JAN2012 validDiag= FIRST.PatientID=0 LAST.PatientID=0 d=-9 new_diag= _ERROR_=1 _N_=45
06JAN2012 - 9 is outside of the array bounds.
Either have an array then spans more then a year, or test the index value before trying to read the array.
Which is exactly was the message reads: Array subscript out of range
You have an observation on the 6th of Jan in 2016. The loop searches up to 9 days before (ie. late December 2015). So either establish an earlier lower bound for the array, or test for date exceptions.
@mkeintz Thank you! Now I understand. One last question: Here, we are looking at a particular point of data in the array, how can I modify it to look at a range? For example, for date 15feb2016, at d=-5, we are looking at 10feb2016 in the array. Instead, how can I look at all the claims that exist between 15feb2016 and 10feb2016 (i.e., on 15,14,13,12,11, and 10feb2016)? I ask because for d=-5, I look at all claims within the 5 days and pick the one with the least Rank( a variable I pull from a different table). Please let me know if this is out of scope and I need to post this as a separate question. I'm sorry that my question was not clear from the get go, will do better henceforth.
You could create an array RANK_HIST analogous to the DIAG_HIST array.
But you would still have to change the logic of the loop. Instead of leaving the loop with the first non-zero DIAG_HIST you have to maintain another variable, say D_MIN, which is the value of D corresponding to the minimum RANK_HIST for non-zero DIAG_HIST.
D_MIN starts out as missing. As you go over each range (i.e. the offset D goes from start-of-range to end-of-range), whenever you hit a non-zero DIAG_HIST, then if D_MIN is missing, set it to D. But if D_MIN is not missing, compare the RANK_HIST for D to the same for D_MIN, and update D_MIN accordingly.
At the end of each range, if D_MIN is not missing, no more ranges are checked. And finally if D_MIN is not missing, assign a value to NEW_DIAG.
Something like this (totally untested):
new_diag =coalesce(diag_hist{date},diag);
array strt {3} _temporary_ (1,3,6);
array finish {3} _temporary_ (2,5,9);
if new_diag^=0 then do r=1 to 3 until (d_min^=.);
do sign=-1,1 until (d_min^=.);
do d = sign*strt{r} to sign*finish{r} by sign;
if diag_hist{date+d}^=0 then do;
if d_min=. then d_min=d; else
if rank_hist{date+d} < rank_hist{date+d_min} then d_min=d;
if d_min^=. then new_diag=diag_hist{date+d_min};
Note the first inner loop ("do sign=-1,1 …") provides a way to set up this sequence of 6 ranges:
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