Hello ,
Could you please suggest me how do I obtain the estimate for a new observation if I add it in my model from the regression model that I have.Suppose that the regression equation is :-
Y = a+b*A+c*B+d*C ; where Y is dependent variable of interest and A,B and C are the varaibles that are in my model.Also, previously I had dropped 2 variables from the model , D and E.Now if i want to find the estimate for Y and the 95% C.I. for this estimate for a new observation with new values for A,B,C,D, and E then what should I use.
The code i used :-
/*95% Confidence Limits for the Score*/
DATA ci_new;
set sc.sales (DROP = D E);
PROC UNIVARIATE data = ci_new;
then only i get the mean of the Y and C.I. for it. But if I plug in the vlaues of A,B, and C in the model that I have then i get a value that doesnt even fall in this inteval.
My objective is to estimate the value of Y using the model that I have viz. Y = a+b*A+c*B+d*C and 95% C.I. limits for this estimate.
Kindly guide,