I have Designed a Bar chart with Multiple Measures, So I want Multiple Measures with Individuals Color codes. Is it possible ?
Note: I have mentioned Problem ImageProblem
Required this;
Thank You;
With Warm Regards,
Shakti Sourav Mohapatra, Data Engineer ( SAS )
Hello Shakti,
This can be achieved by creating a custom graph (select Build Custom Graphs from the application switcher menu at the top left.)
I was able to make this graph by adding three bar chart elements to the custom graph, setting a shared category role, and then selecting each bar chart element and picking a different fill color from the options menu.
When the template is complete, save it and then return to your report and import the graph template from the menu on the Objects pane.
Let us know if that helps,
which proc are you using? sgplot or sgpanel or ?
Please show your sample code. I did something similar to that with multiple panels and different color for each line.
I have tried in it on SAS VA
Hello Shakti,
This can be achieved by creating a custom graph (select Build Custom Graphs from the application switcher menu at the top left.)
I was able to make this graph by adding three bar chart elements to the custom graph, setting a shared category role, and then selecting each bar chart element and picking a different fill color from the options menu.
When the template is complete, save it and then return to your report and import the graph template from the menu on the Objects pane.
Let us know if that helps,
Can you give me some steps ? with one category with different types of Measures and their Colors
It's not chnaging after the clicking of the related Dropdown
Hello Shakti,
Were you able to create the custom graph template?
When you say that it isn't changing when you click the dropdown, do you mean the data is not being filtered? Or the colors aren't changing? If you could share a screen capture that would help us to help you.
I have Created Custom graphs and Successfully I have done this chart with different color but i am unable to do category as Hierarchy.
Thank You,
with warm regards,
Shakti Sourav Mohapatra
Hello Shakti,
When you edit the custom graph template, change the shared role to accept "Any type" instead of Category. This should allow you to assign a hierarchy.
When I do this, I can drill down by double-clicking on the bars:
The labels in the chart are not underlined like they would normally be when a hierarchy is assigned to a default graph, which might be a bug. I am going to ask around with the dev team to see if this is a known issue.
You could ask this question in the Graphics Programming community.
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