One of our IT application administrators will be joining me at SASGF19 this year, as he has been assigned as the primary IT system admin for our upgraded enterprise SAS environment. I've taught him everything I know as far as administering SAS via Management Console, but his world of system administration is much broader than my world of user and library administration. I would like to put him in touch with as many in-person resources at SASGF19 as he has room for in his schedule, in hopes he'll meet a few admins who have similar environments to ours. Will there be a SUGA meetup this year? If so, is there a primary contact with whom I can connect my app admin? Are there other recommendations for conference resources for new system admins?
Hi @TBarker,
I’m on the SUGA (SAS User Group for Adminisrators) committee and there will be a Sunday afternoon networking session dedicated for SAS administrators. I understand an emailwill be sent and post this week. In the meantime here are the details so your SASadmin can organise travel to get in earlier.
It’s a networking/mingle session to meet other admins, exchange agendas, tips and also meet SAS staff that will be there. Keep an eye out on posts in the SAS admin group
Kind Regards,
My pleasure @TBarker @and sorry @ShelleySessoms for jumping in early... too keen to help.
@TBarker, in case your admin doesn’t already know about the SAS admin checklist, you might want to pass this on
No worries, @MichelleHomes. I appreciate the help any time I can get it! 🙂
Glad to know it is helpful @TBarker and while the SAS 9.4 checklist isn't written for the latest maintenance release it is still highly relevant when managing a SAS 9.4 environment. There is a link in the article for a SAS Viya checklist and I encourage SAS admins to look at this for your SAS Viya platform.
FYI, I saw @DavidStern the author of the paper on Tuesday last week when he presented some of the SAS Viya checklist tasks at SAS Forum Copenhagen. I know he would like to get your feedback on the lists too.
Hi @TBarker,
@MichelleHomes beat me to it! Yes, there is the networking meeting that Michelle references. That is a great opportunity to meet other admins and ask questions of SAS experts.
You can have your admin send me a PM and I would be happy to connect him/her to the onsite contact who could answer additional questions and help guide their conference experience.
I'd be happy to talk with your sys admin. We don't use MC for much and manage most of our access with traditional sys admin utilities and home-grown Oracle and web-based tools.
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