We created a project in Forecast Studio that was working fine with all the models generated. Suddenly all the values for this project were displayed empty.
For more details please check the attached file
We would like to know the reason that cause this issue in the FStudio Project and how to solve it.
So i guess some files are possibly corrupted. Could you try to archive the project and unarchive it to a different name and rerun the forecast process? alex
After executing a DIAGNOSE the FStudio generated a LOG>
Could it be a corruption in the RECSTAT data set?
27669 proc datasets library=_HPF6 nolist;
27670 modify recstat;
27671 index delete _nodeKey_ ;
WARNING: No key variables have been defined for file RECSTAT.
WARNING: No index named _nodeKey_.
27672 index create _nodeKey_ = (sSALESORG sDISTR_CHAN sMATL_GRP_1 sMAT_DESCR CL3_NAME CL4_NAME CL5_NAME) ;
ERROR: Variable SSALESORG is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable SDISTR_CHAN is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable SMATL_GRP_1 is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable SMAT_DESCR is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable CL3_NAME is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable CL4_NAME is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
ERROR: Variable CL5_NAME is not on file _HPF6.RECSTAT.
27673 quit;
looks like the client to server connection session is lost or broken. Restart the server and client and see if it resolves the issue. alex
The connection is fine. The problem is specific with the project.
Other projects are workign fine. Even when trying the option diagnose, fit or forecast over the project the system does't do anything for this specific project. For other projects it's working fine.
So i guess some files are possibly corrupted. Could you try to archive the project and unarchive it to a different name and rerun the forecast process? alex
It looks like something got corrupted. Like Alex said, unarchiving a saved version should restore it to a working state. If the problem comes up again, could you please contact tech support about the issue? They will guide you to providing the information we need to look at it. Thank you.
Thanks guys,
I changed the source from the project to another data set later changed back to the original one. The project generated the forecast after this but I lost the customized models.
Are the tables you are using having the same table name and variables? If they are not the same, forecast studio will invalid all the existing models (including the custom models) and run full diagnose process. If you still have the original project archived, you can try to unarchieve it and update the project with full diagnose without resetting all series to "automatic selection".
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