If you are new to programming with Forecast Studio procedures, I would recommend that you use the Forecast Studio UI first. It enables you to generate forecasts with only a few clicks. Then look at the generated code as an example.
To your specific question, I am guessing you want to forecast more than one series, i.e. separate your series using BY groups. Try the following code.
proc sort data=download.nestle_sorted;
by province_name brand date;
proc hpfengine data = download.nestle_sorted outfor=forecasts;
id date interval=week accumulate=total notsorted;
by province_name brand;
forecast net_revenue;
proc print data=forecasts(obs=20);
Note that there are several missing values in your dependent variable even at this fairly aggregated level, and several series have one observation only. Your forecasts are only as good as your input data. You can't forecast where there is not sufficient data. You may want to change your interval to month or address the missing data in some other way.
I would also recommend that you use HPFDIAGNOSE before using HPFENGINE.
Finally, these seem proprietary data. It may be a good idea to mask them before posting them on a public forum.
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