Could anyone tell me where in the SAS server or on which tool can take logs of executions of jobs in DI?
I need to get the information (amount of records read) a Job that ran yesterday.
If you are interested in an specific log for a specific execution, the SAS log in the batch server should be sufficient. The default location for this is
This folder is empty on my server.
Thanks for your reply.
Is it possible that logging has not been enabled on the relevant batch server? This topic describes the prereqs for logging job stats. It says: "ARM statistics are enabled by default for SAS Workspace Servers, but not for SAS Batch servers."
I think you also asked about reporting tools. This topic talks about those: SAS(R) Data Integration Studio 4.8: User's Guide
Read you post again. I'm bit confused. Did you execute a job within DI Studio (not in batch) yesterday and want to see how it went?
Default, no logs are stored after a DI Studio workspace server session. This can be changed, but not recommended, since those logs can grow rapidly in size over time.
Also, it's not best practice to have production like jobs executed from DIS as a general routine. If doing so (as an exception), the user needs to store the log explicitly after job has ended.
Or do I misunderstand your situation?
LinusH, You are right.
I ran the job within DI Studio (not in batch) yesterday and want to see how it went.
You said by default, no logs are stored after a DI Studio workspace server session.
How do I enable it?
I'm running the jobs in the development environment directly in DI Studio.
I'm not running a batch.
You could just add a user-written code module which sends the log to a file somewhere:
proc printto log="/mylocation/mylog.log" new;
Then at the end of the flow:
*stop writing log file and let go of it;
proc printto;
If job is deployed and executed in batch, and your logging is not disabled then easient way to find the log path is to check the deployed job propery of the job: deployed job icon>properties>scheduling details tab> in command area
you will find log path after "-log" parameter.
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