I'm a big fan of SAS books. But every time I go to support.sas.com/books , I'm disappointed by the search tools. Usually I end up going to Amazon, and then have to filter out all the S.A.S. military stuff.
One feature I really want is the ability to sarch for books published by SAS by publication date. So every once in a while, I could scroll through the list of books published in the past year or two, to make sure I haven't missed anything good.
But I don't see a useful search facility on the support.sas.com/books, is there one? I think the last time I asked about this, the suggestion I received was to download the PDF, and do a text search for the publication year. Now I noticed that there is no publications PDF, there just a "SAS Training & Book Catalog" pdf, which has just a list of titles at the end, not even author names. It looks like I can search for "2016" on https://www.sas.com/store/books/cBooks-p1.html, but then neeed to page throuh the output. And there is no way to filter out documentation or JMP books or the business books. I'm just looking for SAS programming books.
I haven't seen much investment in the /books website over the years, while support.sas.com has of course evolved significantly. I think it would be worth considering a redesign.
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