I am from the SAS community. For my training to certification, I can not download the ORION database which serves as a basic library for practical work during the e-course.
How to proceed to download it?
Thank you!
@jfaruqui Are these files in the public domain for distribution? I think Programming 1 is, but not Programming 2.
Follow the instructions for SAS UE, if you're referring to the e-course. There are instructions and very small click here link that provides the program to set up the ORION database. If you're still having difficulty, search the Analytics U forum where this question has been answered multiple times.
If you're not referring to the e-course please clarify your question.
well ... i'll attach the .sas files here for PRG1 and PRG2 ... you will need to save them somewhere in your "myfolders" folder and run them in studio ... but remember that your libref needs to reflect the folder where you are running the files from ..
i would suggest that you create a PRG1 and PRG2 folder in your "myfolders" folder and save the files accordingly .. then you can create the orion library with a libname statement LIBNAME ORION "/folders/myfolders/PRG1"; (change to PRG2 when done studying PRG1)
All these paths are assuming that you are practicing with SAS Studio University Edition.
Hope this helped.
Heres the other file
@jfaruqui Are these files in the public domain for distribution? I think Programming 1 is, but not Programming 2.
PRG2 is basically the same as PRG1 i think ..
All of our Programming courses use the ORION libref. However, every course has a program that makes the data needed for the course. The Programming 2 data is NOT the same as that used in Programming 1.
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