I follow the below steps and everything is fine; until I try to hit "Upload." It's sort of greyed out and won't let me click it. -- I'm on a Mac if that makes a difference. Also attached below is a screengrab of what the server files and folders panel looks like as well as the file upload box after I've selected "createdataPG1_oda.sas" in the EPG194 folder.
Start SAS Studio from your SAS OnDemand for Academics Dashboard.
At the top of the Server Files and Folders panel, click New
and select New Folder .In the Name box, type EPG194 in uppercase exactly as shown. Click Save.
If necessary, expand Files(Home) and verify that the EPG194 folder was created.
Select the EPG194 folder and click Upload
In SAS Studio, double-click createdataPG1_oda.sas to open the program.
The grayed out one is the download. The one to the right is upload. It's not grayed out and should work.
Correct, its the screengrab below that one that says "upload files" 'Upload Files to:" "/home/u47470265/EPG194" Where the "Upload" Button is of blue in color but not bright blue as to indicate it can be clicked on to upload the file. Nor does the file show up in the file path after I select it.
I did double check to make sure I was following the directions for SAS Studio and not SAS University Edition and I definitely am.
Can you click on the CHOOSE FILES button?
the file im trying to upload is in the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course setup files that are required in order to continue on in the course. I downloaded it directly from SAS' website to my computer and then am in turn trying to upload it to SAS Studio. I will try to do what you suggested though.
I fixed it. Ive been trying to do it in Safari. I switched to googled chrome and the upload worked fine.
That's interesting. Glad it worked out!
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