I'm trying to learn arrays in SAS. In the example below I am using the sashelp.cars data set and converting mpg_city and mpg_highway into km.
1. How would I rename the variables to kmpg_city and kmpg_highway?
2. And, how would I create new variables called kmpg_city and kmpg_highway, so that I can keep the mpg_city and mpg_highway variables in the dataset?
Without using an array I would just do this:
kmpg_city = mpg_city*1.6
kmpg_highway = kmpg_highway*1.6
data want;
set sashelp.cars;
/* Array statement (i.e., ARRAY) */
/* Array name (e.g., array_name) */
/* Number of elements (i.e., the number of vars. (*) tells SAS to figure it out) */
/* Elements (i.e., the vars) */
ARRAY array_name(*) mpg_city mpg_highway ;
/* DO loop specifies the index variable and tells SAS how many iterations thru the loop. */
/* DIM tells SAS to figure out the number of iterations based on the number of elements. */
DO index_var = 1 to DIM (array_name);
/* The syntax you want. */
/* Write the syntax for 1 variable, then substitute the array name followed by the index var name in squiggly brackets. */
array_name {index_var} = array_name {index_var}*1.6;