Graphics Programming

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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10



Combined my Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Plot code and @Rick_SAS's 2016 SGPLOT BY-statement animation trick to quickly cobble together a twinkle-twinkle-little-star wreath. Happy Holidays, all!


* Fun w/SAS ODS Graphics: Happy Holidays! Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Stars Wreath (Scatter + Text Plots);
data wreath;                                                      /* Generate points for "wreath" graph */                                              
do frame=1 to 25;                                                 /* Randomly change colors of stars for each frame of GIF to make them twinkle */
  tx=0; ty=0; msg="HAPPY*HOLIDAYS!"; output; tx=.; ty=.;          /* Happy Holidays! message in center of wreath */
  do theta=0 to 2*constant("pi")+.1 by (2*constant("pi"))/60;     /* Generate 60 points around a circle for stars on wreath */  
    do r=1 to .7 by -.075;                                        /* Five con-centric circles of stars */
      x=r*cos(theta);                                             /* A little trigonometry to get x-coordinate */                           
      y=r*sin(theta);                                             /* And y-coordinate */
      color=(rand("Integer", 0, 2));                              /* Assign a random color - silver, gold, white color ramp */

ods graphics / imagefmt=GIF width=5in height=5in;                 /* Record wreath images */  
options nobyline papersize=('5 in', '5 in') animduration=.2 animloop=yes animoverlay printerpath=gif animation=start nodate nonumber;
ods printer file='~/xmaswreath/wreath.gif';                       /* Animated GIF filename */
proc sgplot noautolegend aspect=1 noborder nowall pad=0;          /* Generate a wreath! */
by frame;                                                         /* One image per frame to make stars twinkle */
styleattrs backcolor=CX102e05;                                    /* Xmas tree green background color */
symbolchar name=uniStar char='2605'x;                             /* Unicode value for 5-pointed star */
scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(symbol=uniStar size=22pt) colormodel=(silver gold white) colorresponse=color; * Generate stars;
text x=tx y=ty text=msg / backlight=1 contributeoffsets=none textattrs=(size=24pt weight=bold color=cxdcf0ef) splitchar='*' splitpolicy=splitalways contributeoffsets=none; * "Happy Holidays!" message;
xaxis display=none; yaxis display=none;                           /* Hide axes */
options printerpath=gif animation=stop;                           /* Stop recording images */
ods printer close;


Meteorite | Level 14
Impressive! Nothing like a bit of Christmas trigonometric twinkle! 🌟
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