Thank You everyone for your assistance. Turns out there was a perl update that corrected this issue. The update brings the SAS perl installation version from 5.6.1 to 5.24.0.
This is a compatibility issue between RHEL 7 and the version of Perl provided with SAS 9.4. To correct this, you will need to update the version of Perl used by SAS. Please following these steps:
1) First, download the file
2) Unzip the file: gunzip sas_perl_update.gz
3) ensure the file is executable. If needed, issue the command: chmod +x sas_perl_update
4) as the "sas" account that owns the SAS install, submit the command to execute the file:
5) Provide the path to the <SASHOME> location on your system
6) You should see a message "Patches Applied"
7) Once this is complete, please try again to launch sassetup, and let me know how it goes.