Our management has requested a report to track the health of our SAS environment. We have looked at Environment Manager and our management said that does not present the whole story in a way that non-SAS people can understand. Can anyone tell us what tool you use to monitor SAS? Is it a dashboard? What items do you feel are important to track?
Thank you for your advice/suggestions. We are running SAS9.4M5.
It will probably help those who know more about the Admin tools than I do (essentially nothing) be describing which elements of "SAS Health" they are interested in and particularly those things "management said that does not present the whole story in a way that non-SAS people can understand".
If practical provide a copy of one or more of the reports your management can't understand quickly. Sending data into a nicer report generator may well be what is wanted.
What OS do your SAS servers run on? Monitoring tools available will primarily depend on your OS. Where I work all production servers are routinely monitored for hardware and OS health. SAS Environment Manager primarily focuses on the health of your SAS server processes so the SAS and non-SAS tools are complementary to each other.
Does your company do routine monitoring of server hardware and their OS(s)? I'd be surprised if they didn't.
I used to design some basic but helpful tools in VB.Net.
I wrote a number of Linux scripts to show as Text/CSV files: Drive volumes, Free space, Server Status. SASWork space consumption, and list of current SAS Jobs running per User. These would be updated every 15 mins.
The VB.Net App would run every 15 mins one min after the text files would update, and create a HTML Dashboard showing a pie chart with space avble, and list users etc.
This Dashboard was a useful tool to monitor with minimal interaction required.
Sadly - my managers assumed it was a tool SAS provided. It stopped working when I left...
We do have a script that dumps a df command to a flat file and we read it in for directory sizes. That does help.
We are running Linux RHEL 7.5. I produce graphs from NMON and even with a paragraph on the same page as a graph it is still hard for management to understand.
Hello @DJWanna ,
yours is a great question. Here my thoughts:
I hope this can help you.
Kind regards,
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