I am trying to run ad-hoc backup for my sas-viya env, but when I am running the job for it ,it is getting failed after some time and I am getting following errors:
we are using external Postgres (i.e RDS) not getting why we are getting such error.
{"level":"error","version":1,"source":"sas-backupjob","messageKey":"backupjob-log-icu.backup.agent.error.log","messageParameters":{"logs":"exit status 1","sourceType":"postgres"},"properties":{"logger":"backupjob/handler","caller":"handler/backup.go:443"},"timeStamp":"2023-08-11T05:53:52.824796+00:00","message":"The backup agent encountered an error for the \"postgres\" data source. Details: exit status 1"}
and another error is,
{"level":"error","version":1,"source":"sas-backupjob","messageKey":"backupjob-log-icu.backup.occurred.error.log","messageParameters":{"err":"The job failed for data sources: (DataSource: sas-scheduled-backup-job1 SourceType: postgres)"},"properties":{"logger":"backupjob/handler","caller":"handler/backup.go:239"},"timeStamp":"2023-08-11T05:53:57.858794+00:00","message":"An error occurred. Details: The job failed for data sources: (DataSource: sas-scheduled-backup-job1 SourceType: postgres)"}
our deployment is on AWS environment and we are using external Postgres (i.e RDS)
can anyone suggest what can be the possible reasons for getting such error and if there is any solution fir it..
You can see in the above image all the ad-hoc job got failed, I checked for logs and and I got same errors in that too.