When I use the following SASGSUB commands I get several issues:
Interactive mode:
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4>sasgsub -GRIDCONFIG "c:\Program Files\SASHome\SASGridManagerClientUtility\9.4\config\sasgsub.cfg" -gridrunsaslm
ERROR: Cannot initialize the grid provider module.
Get Grid Status:
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4>sasgsub -GRIDCONFIG "c:\Program Files\SASHome\SASGridManagerClientUtility\9.4\config\sasgsub.cfg" -gridgetstatus '-all'
ERROR: Cannot initialize the grid provider module.
ERROR: The directory was not found.
ERROR: The GRIDWORK shared filesystem location is not specified or specifies an invalid location. ERROR: The file was not found: C:\data\gridwork.
One thing I would recommend is to use the sasgsub script and configuration file that is in <config>/<LevX>/Applications/SASGridManagerClientUtility/9.4 rather than using the executable directly. The script will automatically setup some paths and use the sasgsub.cfg in that directory which was setup by the SAS Deployment Wizard. The executeable and config file you are using are not meant to be used like you are using it now. I think will resolve many of your problems.
Which grid provider are you using? Platform Suite for SAS (i.e., LSF) or SAS Workload Orchestrator (SWO)? If LSF, make sure you installed the LSF client selecting the Windows client to a Linux grid option and that you restarted your machine. If using SWO with user/pwd credentials, make sure you have stored credentials in metadata, stored credentials in an .authinfo file, or used the GRIDUSER/GRIDPASSWORD options on SASGSUB. If using SWO with Kerberos, make sure you add the -SSPI option to the SASGSUB command.
I am going to assume you are using a shared file system between the Windows client and the Linux grid since that by far the most common setup. For example lets say that you have a shared directory named "/opt/sas/gridshare" on the Linux system that you have shared out as a CIFS share (using SAMBA or something provided by your filer appliance) as "\\mysharehost\gridshare". Make sure you have the GRIDWORK option set to the grid share path as the Windows client sees it (i.e., "\\mysharehost\gridshare") and the GRIDWORKREM option set to the grid share path as the grid sees it (i.e.,"/opt/sas/gridshare").
Lastly, more debug information may be available if yo add the -verbose/-trace option to the command line.
If the <SAS_config_dir>/<LevX>/Applications/SASGridManagerClientUtility/9.4/ directory does not exist, then the SAS Grid Manager Client Utility product was not in the plan file to be configured on that machine. I would recommend fixing the plan and updating your configuration.
One thing it will ask about is the location of the grid shared directory. This will be the CIFS share from the Windows side.
You must perform a LSF client install which is not the same as Flow Manager. Flow Manager is part of Process Manager which is used for scheduling work flows. The information in a Platform Suite for SAS Windows Install document will help you install it, specifically, the section named "Installing LSF on Grid Nodes or SAS Foundation Grid Clients".
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