Hello Folks, I've recently started upgrading our SAS installation. I'm seeing some odd behavior from SAS Enterprise Guide 8.3 (ver where it has been upgraded on a few Windows terminal servers for testing by our business users and our support team in IT.
The first thing I'd like to mention is that when I run SEG 8.3, only pre-assigned Oracle libraries are visible. When I run SEG 7.15 (still installed on the same machine) all libraries - both pre-assigned and not - are visible with a different color icon for each of the two. One (and only one) of our business users sees both pre-assigned and not pre-assigned libraries when she starts SEG 8.3. Other business users seem to see libraries presented the way I see them; pre-assigned only.
The other strange thing that's going on for the "One-and-only" user is that while she sees both pre-assigned and not libraries, she doesn't see a new Oracle library that I just created whether I set it to pre-assigned or not. Other SEG 8.3 users and I can see the new library in SEG 8.3 when it is pre-assigned. When the One-and-only user starts SEG 7.15, she gets the same behavior; she sees both types of libraries but not the new library.
So, the issue seems to be on the client end with SEG 8.3 rather than the metadata server.
The metadata server (and other Office Analytics servers) have been upgraded to 9.4M7.