We have SAS Enterprise Miner servers installed on Test and Production servers. I can access the Test server, however I cannot access the Production server even after changing the sassw.config file to point to the sas-environment.xml for Production. I get the error message of
"The application was unable to load the SAS environment definitions. The file location or file contents might be invalid. Please contact your administrator for assistance."
I dont have issues with Test environment, also I can access the Production environment on other machine where all ports are open by default.
Could anyone help me in knowing which ports need to be opened for Production on my machine. I can access the Production sas-environment.xml in Google Chrome.
Thank You all for your replies.
@nhvdwalt Yes the client's Private Java certificate store needed the certificate chain for the Web Server.
@AnandVyas I can access the environment xml file in browser but with red icon.
@JuanS_OCS The ../SASEnterpriseMinerJSW/Status link is not working. I am assuming the sever should be the Web Server. Am I right? Or should it be another server like metadata or compute server?
This is how I solved my issue.
Though I ran all four I think only the fourth one should suffice.
Basically your Web Servers security certificate should be imported in your Private JRE's certificate store located in jsscacerts file.
Thanks to the below two links and SAS Support Team.
Hello @Shakir_Juolay,
https/certificate might be one of your issues, but it is definetely not the one related to this message.
When you use SAS Enterprise Miner, you can do it in 2 ways:
1- Using the client installed in your machine. this client will look into the sassw.config file, locally in your SASHOME folder. This filw can reference a local sas-environment.xml or a sas-environment.xml file located directly on your web server (an URL). This client will be able to connect to all the environments as defined on the sas-environment.xml where your sassw.config is pointing to. When you log in, you have available a drop-down list with all the available environments.
2- Connecting directly to the web application server: it will download a copy of the EM client. This client will be able to connect only to the environment where you downloaded the client from. When you log in, you cannot select any environment, it will conect only to the default, that environment.
Therefore, please first ensure the client you use, then ensure that sassw.config and sas-environment.xml has the environments you need. Please ensure as well, if you have an URL, that you can type the URL in your explorer and it will display the contents of the sas-environments.xml with no problems and a green tick (to ensure you have no problems with certificates)
On both cases, your SASPrivateJRE certificate store would need to have the certificate chains from every environment.
Dear @JuanS_OCS,
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
1. I am currently using the client installed on my machine. During installation I had given a http URL for the Test web server's sas-environment.xml file. I can use the client for the Test Server. After IT finished the installation of the Prod Server I modified the sassw.config file to point to the https Prod web server's sas-environment.xml. This is the only change I made, and I get the error mentioned earlier. Do I have to do any additional steps for SASPrivateJRE certificate store to have the certificate chains from Prod environment in my installation? Is there any link to order number?
2. I do not know how to connect directly to the web server, can you point me to some material to do so?
Thanks in advance.
Dear @Shakir_Juolay,
you are welcome. Forget for now about the SASPrivateJRE, and let's focus on the connection to your sas-environment.xml file.
Kind regards,
Thank You all for your replies.
@nhvdwalt Yes the client's Private Java certificate store needed the certificate chain for the Web Server.
@AnandVyas I can access the environment xml file in browser but with red icon.
@JuanS_OCS The ../SASEnterpriseMinerJSW/Status link is not working. I am assuming the sever should be the Web Server. Am I right? Or should it be another server like metadata or compute server?
This is how I solved my issue.
Though I ran all four I think only the fourth one should suffice.
Basically your Web Servers security certificate should be imported in your Private JRE's certificate store located in jsscacerts file.
Thanks to the below two links and SAS Support Team.
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