Hi All,
Our deployment backup jobs are failing , so we did a research and found that the sasConfig path for one of the sasTiers is wrongly assigned.
We tried to modify the sasTier config using sas-update-backup-config script, we can only able to set included as true or false however the backup is failing with same error.
Actuall sasConfig has to be set as /sascommon/SAS/SASConfig/grid1/Lev1 ,
please let us know how to do this
Current output :
id: tier16
tierName: tier16
sasHome: /sascommon/SAS/SASHome
sasConfig: /sascommon/SAS/SASconfig/grid1/Lev1
included: true
hostType: lax
hostName: xxxxxxxxxxx
We executed the following script to do this.
./sas-update-backup-config -host xxxxxxxxx -port 7980 -protocol HTTP -user sasadm@saspw -password xxxxxxxxx -sourcetype sastiers -inputdata conf/sample/sas-update-backup-config-sastier.json -id tier16
conf/sample/sas-update-backup-config-sastier.json file:
"included": true
NOTE: host and password is replaced with xxxxx.