Hi gwootton, Good Day !! Thanks for pitching in !! 😊 I am trying it from EG. In EG also this happens when we type proc statement for the first time and execute the code. It looks like it is trying to read all the tables under the library for auto suggesting the tables under the library while typing the code. But this would be a fail case for us , since the users may type the code in EG trying to access only the single table, but the log would have captured all the tables under the library as accessed. The WORK library entry is fine to be captured , which can be later filtered using filter tag in the xml appender configuration if needed. I have also tested with other library by declaring with a libname statement. This also having the same behavior. i also tried directly executing Workspace.sh -nodms with the proc statement , i am getting only the single entry in the log with member as CARS similar to this. DateTime=2020-03-18T10:49:00,558 Userid=kkxm303 Action=OPEN Status=SUCCESS, Libref=SASHELP Engine=V9, Member=CARS NewMember=, MemberType=DATA Openmode=INPUT, Path=/sascommon/SAS/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/sashelp Sysrc=0, Sysmsg=
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