I have an issue with redirecting logs from the SAS applications.
My enviroment is single server application server installation.
What I'm trying to achieve is to redirect logs from the default folder which is in my case "/srv/app/sasva/Config/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/Logs" to "srv/log/MetadataServer"
I have modified the logconfig.xml file where I have changed the path to the new one. However when I'm trying to start server again via the sas.servers script the server doesn't start properly.
Can you please advise me where should I make changes as well to successfully redirect those logs?
Other logs such as Enviroment Manager was redirected succesfully with just modified xml config file.
Same issue is with ObjectSpawner which doesn't start properly via sas.servers script with modified log config.
Thanks in advance