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Obsidian | Level 7

Good Day, everyone! 


I am managing SAS 9.4 and viya3.5 running in each different Server and make a data table referencing these MetadatServer logs with filename statement in order to track users' activities


Let's say SAS9.4 is running in server A with an example ip 192.168. 123.132 and viya3.5 is running in server B with IP MetadataServer Logs are in /sas/config/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/Logs/ of Ser
ver A, and it keep tracks of both sas9.4 and viya3.5 's activities such as user log in and out. 


Now, my company installed new SAS9.4 in each Server C (192.168. 123.140) and D (192.168. 123.141) and I have to manage users of new SAS9.4 in Server C and D too. 


So, I thought of 2 ways of managing this situation.


Case 1 is to make MetadataServer Logs keep track of SAS9.4 in Server C and D just like viya3.5 of Server B thru configuration of SAS Management Console(?).

-> Since viya3.5 is kept track of, i thought it would be possible. but I dont know how to add new SAS servers in the track.


Case 2 is to connect Server C or D using rsubmit statement in Serve A and reference their own MetadataServer Logs.

-> But I keep getting Error from rsubmit statement.. is there other way to reference their logs? 


In Server A, It is possible to create and delete sas user accounts on Server C and D using "options metaserver = metaport = metauser = metapass =  metarepository = Foundation; options mprint mlogic symbolgen;" statement. So I guess there is no network problem between them. 



Please read the situation I wrote carefully and let me know if you have any ideas on how to solve this problem or any advice on the solutions I proposed.



Super User

RSUBMIT needs either a CONNECT server listening, or an open telnet (something which is frowned on because of security reasons).


Your servers should have ssh running, which will allow FILENAME SFTP to read files there.

Obsidian | Level 7

Thank you for your answer.

How Do I check if the servers are ok to run Filename sftp?


I tried to run Filename sftp but keep getting error which says  "ERROR: Directory or file (/directory/log file) doesn't exist.". (I replaced the real dir and file name.)

I think codes are ok (maybe?) but the servers might not be configured to run this statement. But I don't know how to check. Sorry, but would you let me know?


Those are the codes I tried:



filename in sftp 'directory' host='the ip address' dir;
data metadata_log (keep=timestamp username success);
infile in(log file name) truncover;
infile_line $200
timestamp 8
type $10
username $32




filename in sftp '/directory/logfile' host='the ip address' dir;
data metadata_log (keep=timestamp username success);
infile in truncover;
infile_line $200
timestamp 8
type $10
username $32





Super User

FILENAME SFTP in SAS requires that you set up passwordless authentication for SSH first (using public/private key pairs). SSH software does not allow passwords on the commandline, and SAS calls the external sftp that way.

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