Good Day, everyone!
I am managing SAS 9.4 and viya3.5 running in each different Server and make a data table referencing these MetadatServer logs with filename statement in order to track users' activities
Let's say SAS9.4 is running in server A with an example ip 192.168. 123.132 and viya3.5 is running in server B with IP MetadataServer Logs are in /sas/config/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/Logs/ of Ser
ver A, and it keep tracks of both sas9.4 and viya3.5 's activities such as user log in and out.
Now, my company installed new SAS9.4 in each Server C (192.168. 123.140) and D (192.168. 123.141) and I have to manage users of new SAS9.4 in Server C and D too.
So, I thought of 2 ways of managing this situation.
Case 1 is to make MetadataServer Logs keep track of SAS9.4 in Server C and D just like viya3.5 of Server B thru configuration of SAS Management Console(?).
-> Since viya3.5 is kept track of, i thought it would be possible. but I dont know how to add new SAS servers in the track.
Case 2 is to connect Server C or D using rsubmit statement in Serve A and reference their own MetadataServer Logs.
-> But I keep getting Error from rsubmit statement.. is there other way to reference their logs?
In Server A, It is possible to create and delete sas user accounts on Server C and D using "options metaserver = metaport = metauser = metapass = metarepository = Foundation; options mprint mlogic symbolgen;" statement. So I guess there is no network problem between them.
Please read the situation I wrote carefully and let me know if you have any ideas on how to solve this problem or any advice on the solutions I proposed.